Choosing A Career Path

Every since I was a young girl, my parents always instilled the importance of community service and volunteering.  When I was in high school, I became a member of an organization called Sisterhood Agenda.  This organization was a rites of passage for teenage girls to spend time once a week volunteering in the community and discussing topics including family, friendship and personal development.  After graduation from this program, I became a mentor to the new girls entering the program.  This idea of service has followed me into my adult life and I have continued to volunteer with organizations in my community.   Volunteering has provided me with a sense of responsibility and service to my community and it has helped me to discover where my true calling is in life, to teach and help others.  The happiness and well being that my work spreads, and the feeling of having contributed something to someones life, keeps me motivated to continue giving the best of myself to other people.  As a FACS teacher, the curriculum we teach offers the perfect platform do this.  Through our curriculum, we can teach students how to make a difference in the world so that they can grow up and be active members of their communities.

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2 Responses to Choosing A Career Path

  1. sstevens says:

    The community is the key. As our President states we all must put in work. I am teaching my girls just as my parents taught me. Well done

  2. V coan says:

    This is written very well Janna. That is great that your community offers a program like that. I give you so much respect for continuing to help out with organizations that promote those things. When you have your own classroom, definitely use those qualities that have been instilled in you through your lessons and personality.

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