Elusive goal. hmmm.. When I think about this phrase, sooo many different things come to mind about my journey towards becoming a teacher. The goal that stands out to me the most is the one thing that I believe was the hardest for me to achieve/overcome/fight for.. STUDENT TEACHING!!! Putting your work life, social life, love life on hold to focus on creating zillions of lessons, worksheets, rubrics, videos, icebreakers, etc… Wow! I remember my first graduate classes at QC having to create one lesson to present to my peers. I was soo nervous! I remember thinking, ” I sound ridiculous! Why the hell am I rambling? Is anyone listening? Why do they all have the ‘blank stare’?? All these different things would make me so nervous. Who was I kidding? One little lesson in grad class is no comparison to student teaching or co-teaching. It’s one thing observe & assist. But, it’s a whole other thing to command a classroom for 42 minutes. In the beginning, it was really hard for me to believe in my abilities as a teacher. As a career changer, I knew I had the desire and interest, but I wasn’t positive that I had the skills. However, my cooperating teacher was amazing. A-mazing! She made me push myself to believe in my abilities and to use my creativity in my lessons and pedagogy. I knew I had become a better teacher when I looked up one day in my Independent Life Skills class and had 15 boys sewing a button on a tiny piece of muslin. I was shocked! This class was made up of about 15 boys and 4 girls. Needless to say, they weren’t too geeked about the ‘Sewing Lesson’.. 🙂 As I am writing this post, I look over at my big book of lessons that I created with hard work and determination. It makes me soo proud. Student teaching by far has been the hardest goal to achieve. But I did it! And it was an experience that will stay with me forever. Thanks Ms. Amaris!
So well said. Your nervousness made you stronger. Your lessons were well planned and inspiring. Hats off!
I couldn’t agree anymore with you!! That first lesson in-front of our class was torture! We made it through that class thank god!! You’ll do great when you get in that classroom! All of that time and effort really paid off for you! 🙂
Yes I remember those days all to well. You have always had a positive attitude and in class with your peers your lessons were always great. You rocked then and with the constant experience we all been through You are going to shake the building in your classroom. You are right about the lesson plan book I will always refer to it as a guide and always think about the two best cooperating teachers Ms. Alex Gonzalez and Mrs. Joan Chieffo they are the teacher makers.